Sunday, June 1, 2014

Online Dating Usernames

How to choose a unique username for online dating 

Having a personal profile on any social site online gives you the chance to hook up with anyone around the world. So if you are into online global dating fun you must learn to attract someone by using the appropriate alias to engage attention with you.

Online dating doesn't only give you the chance to meet someone online, it also gives you a chance to reinvent yourself. How? By using usernames of course!

Usernames are integral parts of the internet dating environment. Sometimes that user-name is all that an online dater bases their decision on to check out a profile. So make sure that your username can steadily attract potential partners. If it's not then you probably won't enjoy taking up online dating in the first place.

A username could tell a lot about the personality of a person. This is important when online dating because you don't have the assurance that the username, however plain it may be, is a person's real name. In fact, it is inadvisable to use your real name when it comes to online dating. Be creative and reinvent yourself when you log online.

One good thing to incorporate in your username is your hobby. Like “rugbyfreak" or “surferdude". It shows a glimpse of what your interests are. If you're looking for a partner that you are sure you are going to click with, then it will probably be the ones that will check out names like these.

You could also use light hearted names like “coolone" or “chillman". But of course usernames like these project the image of fun and friendship rather than serious relationships. If you are only dating online to look for fun activities to do and friends to do them with, then you could get by with these type of usernames.

You could also put in your place of residence in your username. Though it doesn't have to be specific. Just putting in your city will greatly help searchers to limit their search geographically. If an online dater for example sees Paris, Sydney, London, NY or Vienna in your username for example, they will immediately think that you're from the area. So make use of that perception to get the most out of online dating.

If you can't think of anything else, you could try playing up your name then adding a number. It always works but of course it doesn't project any image of you whatsoever. If you're called Richard for example, try “Rickz01" or something. Some may view this as boring but it's a hell of a lot better than “humongousdouche".

You could also use exotic words for usernames. Try looking for foreign language terms for translations. When users see usernames like these, it immediately makes them wonder what it could mean. You could try translating your favorite characteristic into a foreign language and use that or use some interesting word that you would associate with your personality. For example if you're esoteric and are into dreams “voyageurdemonde" which means a world traveler in French.

Some names to avoid are the self-depreciating ones like “smartbutshy" or “cutebutsilly". It may come out as funny but most online daters pass over their profiles. Also, don't use usernames that are filled with bitterness like “brokenhearted" or “cheaterhater". Online daters gravitate to other daters who are positive about using the online dating opportunity. So make sure that you seem like you enjoy life even from your username alone.

Of course to be able to pull it off you must have an interesting profile to support your catchy username. Writing a winning personal profile is a different matter but at least having a catchy unique username will already help.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Do you need a Cool, Unique & Awesome Username??

All the Cool Usernames taken??

Everyone has been in this situation at some stage. Maybe you have found a great e-mail provider or your about to sign up to Facebook or some other social network. The only problem is all the cool usernames are already taken. So, how do you create a unique username?

The trick is to be as original and creative as possible. Think about your favourite interests, movies or hobbies. Think about things that define you. Perhaps use a combination of these things and your own name.

If you still can't create a cool username then it might be time to try the Random Username Generator on this blog. It will instantly create a random username for you. Give it a go and see what usernames the generator can create for you. It might just create that awesome username you always wanted.  

How to Create a Cool Unique Online Username

Do you want to create a unique username for a Blog, Facebook, Youtube, eBay etc.??

One of the first things to consider when creating a username is to think about the kind of name that will give you personality while also guarding your privacy and also be unique.

Wherever you go on the Internet, so many sites now demand more and more usernames. With more and more users signing up for such sites, it can be a tricky to think up a username that has not already been taken by another user. It can also be very difficult to remember all of your different usernames for every different website you visit. There are a number of different ways in which you can get yourself a user-name that has not already been taken and one you may also be able to use for all of your registrations online.

It is important to think about the context in which you are using a username. For example, for work or banking online, it is fine to use a part of your real name as your username. It is not recommended in general, particularly if you are using a dating site or another other forum to which you may not wish to be automatically linked or which you consider to be private.

You might use a variation on your real name, which will make the username easy for you to remember whilst being harder for others to link to your real name. You could use your middle name spelled backwards. This can also give you an exotic twang that will create curiosities, if that is what you are after. If you decide to include numbers (if the website you are using allows it) choose numbers that have some personal significance so that you will remember them, but not ones that are immediately revealing. Don't use your house number or your birthday.

To further enhance your uniqueness online, you might try translating your potential username into a foreign language. For example, the username 'robot' might well be taken, but translating it into Chinese might well work.

Check out some of the other posts on this blog for ideas on how to create a cool username. Also try the automatic username generator on this blog. Just click the button to get an instant random username.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

One Click Random Name Generator - Create a Cool Unique Username

Cool Name Generator
Click the "Make name" button below to generate a random username. This is the first name generator I have created so please check back for updates and more name generators. Get an instant cool awesome username today. Just click the button below and a unique cool user name will be generated for you.

Cool Name Generator

Create a Cool Unique Username

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Every Cool Username Already Taken?

Do you find every time you try to create a username for a social networking site, email, screen-name or website that all the cool names are already taken? If so then you have come to the right place.

This post and others on this blog may just give you the help you need to create that cool unique username you are after.

Don't settle for a username with just a bunch of numbers after it because everything else is already taken. With some of the ideas on this site you should be able to create that cool username you want.

You could start by thinking of a word that defines you or maybe the name of a favourite movie or song. Ancient gods, warriors or mythical creatures are often cool to use for a username. Maybe you could combine this with your favourite number or colour.

Read more of this blog for ideas on how to create a cool unique user name.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Create Business Name

Here is a link to a great site for creating a company name. With the Business Name Generator the possibilities are seemingly endless. Use it to create a cool username, business name or domain name etc.

Business Name Generator - Click Here

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Create and make a unique, awesome and cool username

It is getting so much more difficult to create a unique and cool username. With so many people online it seems every cool user name has already been taken. The purpose of this blog is to give you a few ideas in making your username unique and awesome.

Just a few more random username ideas